IN his 30 years on the water at Farmoor Reservoir, Nigel Vick has helped more than 250,000 youngsters get to grips with sailing.

He has also received a Royal Yachting Association Community Award from The Princess Royal for his lifetime commitment to sailing, and regularly judges national and local competitions.

Now the warden of the Oxford and District Schools Sailing Association (ODSSA) is setting sail from Farmoor to begin his retirement.

He said: "It has been great to see so many people enjoy themselves on the water here over the years.

"During my time, I've supervised and provided sailing lessons to the young people of Oxfordshire as part of their educational experience.

"We have been receiving about 10,000 student visitors a year, and it's been a privilege to pass on my knowledge of sailing."

Having taught so many young people over the years, he says he has become well-known, saying: "I'll often bump into people who say 'I remember you from school sailing at Farmoor'.

"I will miss the young people and the responsibility of looking after them on the water.

"Some have shown tremendous maturity and potential, particularly disaffected youngsters who, while at school might be beaten down because they don't make the academic progress they should - but who shine when they are on the water."

David Newton, of the ODSSA, said: "Nigel has been a faithful and long-time servant of the association and we are of course sad to see him go but wish him well for the future."

Mr Vick, 53, who lives in Wolvercote, is moving to Barry, in South Wales. But it won't be a sedate retirement - he already has plans to set up a similar sailing association.

He said: "The docks in Barry are being redeveloped so I would like to do something similar to what we have done here for young people."

However, his role as sailing judge is likely to bring him back to Oxfordshire. He is due to officiate at four events to be held at Farmoor in the near future.

He said: "I'm sure I'm still going to be just as busy, but I might find more time to go out sailing myself."

Last November, Mr Vick was presented with a commemorative medallion, and a certificate signed by Princess Anne, at a ceremony in London in recognition of his life-long commitment to sailing.