A centre which supports rape victims is appealing for more volunteers so it can extend its hours.

The Oxford Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre has just received a funding boost and wants to use the cash to expand its services.

It helps female victims of rape, sexual abuse, har- assment and domestic violence by providing a confidential phone listening service.

Now it hopes to extend its three evening sessions a week to four.

Liz Hulme, who has volunteered at the centre for two years, said the number of rape crisis centres across the country had halved in the past 20 years.

She said: "We are not counsellors. We are here to support by listening and giving people the space and time to talk.

"We will take people through options, but we are non-directive in terms of telling people what to do."

Miss Hulme, 27, said: "People who call can call as often as they want to or for as long as they want to."

She said the centre had just received grants from St Michael and All Saints Church in Oxford and the Oxford Community Foundation and now hoped to recruit up to 20 new volunteers - almost doubling its staff.

Victims of abuse, or those supporting them, can call the centre on 01865 726295.

Volunteers will receive two months' training.

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer should contact the centre via email to osarcc@gmail.com.