Family and friends of a teenager who died suddenly from meningitis have unveiled a special memorial bench to mark his life.

Former King Alfred Community Sports College pupil Ian Donald was 18 when he died in March 2007 from the killer disease.

Now, £5,000 has been collected by hardworking friends and a memorial bench set up on Grove's recreation ground.

Ian's parents Leigh and Diana Donald praised the efforts of those behind the fundraising.

Mrs Donald said: "We would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support and fundraising, especially Ian's friends who have been truly amazing.

"While trying to deal with their own grief, they somehow managed to finish their exams, start new jobs or prepare for university and yet still make sure that Ian is never forgotten."

The bench was funded by proceeds from a memorial gig at the college on June 30 last year - on what would have been Ian's 19th birthday.

Almost 400 people attended in memory of the passionate rock and music fan, who was a full-time student of music technology at Abingdon and Witney College.

Donations were also made by staff and customers of newsagent shop McColls, in Wantage, where Ian worked on Saturdays.

Mrs Donald said: "It was Ian's friends who desperately wanted the bench in the recreation ground because they used to meet there with Ian.

"It was like a half-way meeting point, where they would play football and basketball and Ian would play his guitar."

Ian's cousin Duncan Cowan raised £1,500 by taking part in the Great North Run and family friends held a tea party in Stanford in the Vale Village Hall earlier this month, raising another £250.

Almost £1,700 left over from the money raised has been sent to the Meningitis Research Foundation.

Mr Donald said: "Ian was such a kind, talented and fun-loving young lad who was denied a future and the chance to follow his dream in the music industry.

"We miss him dreadfully.

"We hope the money raised for the Meningitis Research Foundation will help them to continue their vital work funding research into meningitis and septicaemia, raising awareness of the diseases and providing support for those affected."

Ian's friends hope to raise more money for the charity this year with a parachute jump. To sponsor Lloyd, Kevin and Vicky, call Lloyd on 01235 767385.