There are are just three weeks to go until Oxford's Town and Gown fun run and hundreds of runners are putting the finishing touches to their training.

More than 2,700 people have already signed up for the popular 10km event, which is due to weave its way through the city's streets on Sunday, May 18.

Organisers are urging those wishing to take part to sign up soon so they don't miss out.

The race, which is sponsored by the Oxford Mail, is expected to attract up to 4,000 runners and raise thousands of pounds for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.

Now in its 27th year, the fun run has generated more than £600,000 for the charity since it began.

Annie Jackson, one of the race organisers, said: "It's shaping up to be another great year.

"I'm sure the people of Oxford will make it another fundraising success for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.

"The money raised over the years has helped fund the muscular dystrophy clinic at the John Radcliffe Hospital, which is now considered a clinic of excellence.

"It is leading the way and it's great to think it has been produced by the runners of the Town and Gown."

Among those taking part this year is a 48-strong team from Oxford estate agents Savills, who will be taking each other on as part of an inter-departmental challenge.

Rob Linell, associate director of planning at Savills, said: "Almost all of our 15 departments here in Oxford will be taking part and we are hoping to raise about £2,500 with the proceeds being split equally between the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign and Helen & Douglas House, which is our chosen charity for the year."

He added: "We're all looking forward to it and the team all say they've been training, although no one has taken up the offer of accompanying me for a practice run around the course."

A team from Cothill House School, near Abingdon, will also be on the starting line after winning the top schools trophy for the past two years, having raised £3,350 in 2006 and about £2,400 last year.

The race starts in Norham Gardens near University Parks in North Oxford and will then see runners do a 1.5km loop before heading down Parks Road.

A second loop takes runners along Holywell Street, High Street, Cornmarket Street and Broad Street before heading back up Parks Road to the finish in University Parks at the cricket pavilion.

Postal entries are now closed but it is still possible to enter online. Visit to find out more.