We arrived at Baby Simple shortly after ten o'clock to find that it was the best kind of busy.

There were plenty of people there, creating a bustling and lively atmosphere, but there were minimal queues at the bar - so buying a drink was a brilliantly stress-free experience!

I wasn't yet in party-mode so I opted for a beer, although I've had more than a few cocktails here before and I must say they're excellent.

Especially the Mojitos - the guys and girls behind the bar even ask you how you'd like it served; sugary, limey or in between?

What a decision! Oh well, it made me feel special anyway...

You would think from the outside that Baby Simple is a tiny little place, but it is in actual fact deceptively large with four different areas.

Unless you decide to take the drinking and dancing into the washroom between the toilets, in which case it's five. Not acceptable in your culture? We'll stick with four then.

There's the front bar downstairs with the coolest wallpaper I've seen in...well...ever, actually.

A couple of very comfortable sofas are to be found here too that look like they might just come alive and eat you right up, and you would probably let them do it too because they would be lulling you into a state of hypnosis with a sleep inducing siren song that no one else would be able to hear.

It would be fair to say that I've developed a wariness of sitting on any form of luxurious furniture in clubs ever since a few months back I was found by a friend asleep on a sofa in The Regal.

But having thought about it now, I was not in a suitable state to be out in public and I could have been propped up against a cold stack of breeze blocks in an alleyway - I still would have been away with the fairies.

Back in the land of lucidity and sobriety (and to move away from the topics of seductive sofas and dribbling on one's self), we moved through to the next main area of Baby Simple - the dance floor.

It was equally filled with people drinking and chatting away as it was people dancing to the wickedly funky house.

If it all gets too much for you at any point, then you can head to the darkened room upstairs - a bit of a chill out zone - with yet more of those lascivious sofas to lounge upon.

After a great few hours and having reached the decision that Baby Simple on a Friday night is a great place to be (and should definitely stay open later than one o'clock), I headed out to wile away the remainder of my night.

A word of advice for when you go to Baby Simple next Friday - have a shot of the passion-fruit rum as soon as you walk through the door; it'll knock your bloomin' socks off.