At least four men have jumped off Magdalen Bridge this morning as part of the May Day 'celebrations'.

Officials had closed the bridge for the third consecutive year as thousands of people gathered to hear the Magdalen College choir sing the Hymnus Eucharisticus at the top of the college tower in the centuries-old tradition.

Police and security staff were placed to stop people jumping off Magdalen Bridge and originally the plan had been to keep it closed until 8.30am.

But it was opened just before 6.30am today and at least four men then jumped into the River Cherwell.

It appeared none of them were hurt.

The first man to do it appeared almost to have been talked out of it.

He had climed up on to the bridge and council staff began talking to him. He looked to be coming down but then decided to jump.

Following the rainfall of the past few days, the Cherwell looks to be deeper than previous years and all four jumpers swam rather than walked to the edge.

Officials have been closing the bridge because in 2005 100 people leaped into the river.

About 40 of those suffered injuries and the cost to the health service was put at about £50,000.

Also this morning one reveller has told how a near-naked man made a burst for the bridge before it was opened but was quickly taken down by police.

She said: "He was just wearing his shorts and he just broke out of the crowd.

"He got a big cheer."

A video report of this morning's festivities will be on this website this afternoon.