POLICE are warning people to protect their garages as the weather improves.

The alert comes after break-ins at garages in Sutton Courtenay and Appleford Drive, Abingdon.

Crime reduction adviser Roger Foster said: "As spring is now here and we summer fast approaching, I would like to offer some advice to residents on how to keep their garages secure.

"It is at this time of year that people are likely to be using their garages more frequently: to get the car out for a drive or to store BBQ equipment and garden furniture.

"I would like to offer the following advice to residents to help prevent this from happening:

  • Ensure the lock on your garage door is working correctly and always secure when not in use.
  • Check your garage on a regular basis and report any damage or attempts to gain entry to the police.
  • Never leave the door open for any length of time as you may be advertising items which potential offenders could steal. This can apply particularly to any scrap metals that you could be storing in your garage.
  • Report any evidence of youths gathering in the garage blocks. This evidence may be discarded drinks cans, cigarette ends, or drugs paraphernalia.
  • If you discover fresh graffiti in the area make sure it is reported to the police as it may prevent more serious crime or anti-social behaviour."

If you have seen any suspicious activity or have any information that could help the police with their investigations, please contact PC Charlie Pollard on 0845 8 505 505. If you do not want to talk to the police or give your name, call the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.