Oxford City Council is pretending to become greener, by clamping down on vehicles leaving their engines running, promoting the use of park-and-ride and installing cycle tracks. All these are commendable measures.

However, at the same time, it is pushing ahead with the controversial redevelopment of the Territorial Army site in Horspath Driftway, which will result in a huge increase in traffic levels in already overused streets.

Could the council reconsider these plans and reclaim its green credentials by making this site strictly for pedestrians and cyclists only, served by a minibus and, of course, a few parking spaces for invalid drivers?

It could even become an eco-friendly area.

Cycle tracks could be recovered if cars were not allowed to park on them, and the park-and-ride areas better advertised for visitors.

I trust these ideas could be accepted by the powers-that-be.

BARRIE DRURY Awgar Stone Road Oxford