While I can understand the frustration that teachers may feel over pay, I believe that their current action which damages children is immoral.

Schools have made so much of how regular attendance matters and have been discouraging parents from taking term-time holidays.

But clearly, it is a case of not practising what they preach as teachers have gone out on strike when some children are sitting exams.

Even if schools try to admit pupils for exams, pupils' performance may be affected by the strike 'atmosphere' and their trust in teachers as good rôle models may be gone forever.

The Cherwell School in North Oxford had an inset day on Monday last week, so the children are in for two days, off for one, in for another, off for a Bank Holiday. What a joke.

Is it worth the effort of even sending them to school, or should more parents consider home education, I wonder?

We wouldn't need so many teachers then!

HELEN GAEN Park Close Oxford