Sir - I am very disturbed about the future of the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. This is a fine hospital and it gives a near-perfect service. I have personal knowledge and can testify to professionalism of all surgeons, doctors and staff. I have been operated on twice - one knee replacement and one hip replacement. The care I have had since these operations is second to none.

This hospital is world famous for its orthopaedic services. I think that it is a travesty to even think of taking away its specialist services. We must stand firm and not allow this SHA to destroy many years of first-class orthopaedic expertise to be wasted.

A lot of money has and still is being spent to rebuild and improve the services. Incidentally, my wife also had two knee replacements at the NOC.

B. E. McCreedy, Carterton

This is one of dozens of letters we have received on the threat to the NOC