Sir - There has been some discussion about the "expensive" extension of concessionary bus passes to cover the whole of England.

Whereas this offers exciting possibilities in theory, the majority of bus travel will, I'm sure, remain local, and Oxford City Council could save money on this with a little initiative. At present, some drivers in both bus companies habitually issue tickets to the terminus even to passengers going nowhere near so far, because this saves them the trouble of resetting the ticket machine.

Passengers would never accept this if they were paying with their own cash, and if only the council would alert people to the problem, and advise them what to do when it happens, the excess money could be saved to spend on other things.

I myself once did seek guidance from the council, but they were extremely vague, although admitting that others had raised it with them too. Perhaps one of the parties could seize on this as a way of financing some small but worthy project if they should be fortunate enough to win the election.

Roger Moreton, Oxford