Sir - The reported characteristics of the proposed new eco-town at Weston Otmoor represent, in my view, a totally non-eco-friendly concept. This is because the development is too small and in the wrong place.

From the experience of living in and working on the design of the not too distant Milton Keynes, I suspect that the housing densities likely to be achieved at Weston Otmoor could roughly deliver 1,200 dwellings per 100 hectares, very comparable to what MK currently achieves within one of its "grid squares".

With a development area of 828 hectares, space for about 10,350 dwellings results unless high urban densities are contemplated which probably is not the case. Thus there will be no capacity to grow to the mentioned 15,000 dwellings and no space for employment uses either.

The proposed development is not eco-friendly because it will be nothing more than a dormitory suburb (essentially another Kidlington?) where most of its residents will travel elsewhere to work, shop, leisure and probably look further afield for schooling. It will further burden of traffic on the adjacent road network, irrespective of extravagant promises of free trams and buses. Its inadequate size will not offer the diversity that we all now demand and it will be unworkable and unsustainable and likely to cause more problems than it solves.

If there emerges a sub-regional planning need for expansion in the North Oxford area it would make better sense to expand an existing urban focus such as Oxford or Bicester, in conformity with the county council's current planning strategy. Random development of 30 fields here or 50 fields there is the antithesis of good planning.

Mike O'Sullivan, Architect planner, Milton Keynes