One of Oxford's biggest nightclubs has been forced to change its door entry policies and stop the use of glass bottles after a review of its licence.

The Bridge, in Hythe Bridge Street, was today ordered to take action by Oxford City Council's licensing committee, following police advice. The club will not be able to admit any customers in the hour before closing time and must use polycarbonate containers for all drinks.

Police licensing co-ordinator Tony Cope said the club had tried to negotiate the terms of changes, but said he was pleased with the committee's decision.

He said: "They had initially negotiated that glass could be used for Champagne bottles and Champagne flutes in their VIP area, and that people could be let in up to half an hour before closing.

"But the committee decided to rule out the concessions and agreed with what we initially asked for.

"These are tough conditions and we will be keeping an eye on the premises."