I am concerned about the plans to increase the rents of those who have stalls in the Oxford Covered Market by as much as 100 per cent or more.

To make such a move is very unwise, since it could have a very dramatic and unfortunate sudden effect on this wonderful heritage site in the midst of our city.

The whole nature of the merchandise for sale there could be altered or even destroyed, resulting in redevelopment along the lines of what is happening in many towns and cities.

I worry that the Liberal Democrats, our local council, may have grown out of touch with local as well as national situations.

It is, after all, nearly a century since they last held office nationally.

This was in the 1920s, the decade of my birth, when David Lloyd George was Prime Minister.

The rents issue should be reconsidered. There are very few covered markets in the UK, and we are indeed fortunate to have one in our city.

Its destruction, or even significant change, would indeed be a tragedy.

CHARLES WICKHAM-JONES, Frenchay Road, Oxford