Wallingford will be a step nearer getting a permanent post office if a plan before South Oxfordshire District Council is accepted.

KP Stationers in Market Place have submitted a planning application to demolish part of the existing retail and residential buildings, so a new extension can house the post office, with two flats above the development.

Manager Ashley Kempson, who has already been accepted as the new sub-postmaster, said: "The aim is to have the post office here as soon as possible but it will take a long time - possibly two years."

But before that work can be started, KP Stationers plans to re-open the former Martins newsagents in St Martin's Street, which used to house the post office, as a temporary home.

Mr Kempson said: "We hope to have the Martins building up and running by the end of the summer."

A temporary post office in the Goldsmiths Lane car park will be relocated once the Martins building reopens.