TRAFFIC police stopped 420 drivers in Oxfordshire who were speeding in 30mph zones.

As part of a Europe-wide Safety Week, a speed campaign ran across the Thames Valley, from Monday, April 21, until Sunday.

Checks were carried out at a number of locations across the county.

Drivers travelling at speeds up to 39mph were given the option of taking a speed awareness course instead of receiving a fixed penalty notice.

Motorists caught at 40mph or over were fined £60 while speeders at 60mph have been reported to magistrates.

PC Mark Pilling said: "It is disappointing that in just one week, 420 people were stopped for speeding.

"We also issued some fixed penalties to drivers using their mobile phones or not wearing their seatbelt.

"One man was arrested on suspicion of fraud.

"Speed limits are there for a reason and exceeding them is dangerous and puts other road users at risk as well as themselves. "