PUPILS from Oxford Community School got the chance to quiz Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg yesterday on a host of topics including multi culturalism, voter apathy and last week's teachers' strike.

About 60 pupils questioned Mr Clegg during the half-hour session.

Lewis Griffiths, 18, a Year 13 pupil from Cowley, said: "It was a good opportunity to be able to speak to someone in that position. I would not say he came across as having a strong personality, the politicians all sound so similar it's difficult to tell the difference.

"I thought he talked more about values rather than policies and ideals rather than what he wanted to change."

Year 10 pupil Leticia Birchall, 15, from St Clements, said: "I really liked that he came here.

"It was a great chance for us to get to know what politicians think and to have them listen to us, which I think they should do more of."