I find it odd that after the closure of so many post offices, due to the loss of millions of pounds each week as is claimed, why is so much money being spent advertising The People's Post Office on TV?

Would the loss of business over the years be the fault of the computer, where we have become a lazy race due to people paying everything online?

I can understand that due to the rat race, families where both parents work and have to rush around each day, get the kids to school and then go to work, haven't the time to queue at their local post office to pay the gas bill or whatever.

That's OK on the one hand, but when these busy people happen to live in a rural location, which has been expanded so that they can live in the country, the lack of business can cause the closure of the local post office. More often than not, the shop cannot survive.

This has a drastic effect on the community and unless there is a reasonable bus service to get to the next nearest post office, which will be miles way, many people suffer, especially the elderly.

I am not computer-orientated.

The mechanics of a wheelbarrow are a marvel to me, but I have just advanced from an abacus to a calculator.

I use my local post office regularly - that is the one that's left after the closure of the other two over the past two years.

It would be great if more people had the patience to queue these days for, as the saying goes, "use it or lose it".

MICHAEL CLARKE Lewell Avenue Old Marston Oxford