Silver surfers in Oxfordshire are taking advantage of modern technology to have a good old moan - thanks to a new website founded in Kennington.

Grandfather Steve Chandler, 63, is the brainchild behind - a forum that gives pensioners inspired by TV's Victor Meldrew from One Foot in the Grave the chance to rant on issues from pensions and council tax to modern youth.

Mr Chandler, of Sandford Lane, explained he set up the site after a friend dubbed him an old moaner while they were enjoying a drink in his local pub.

It was just the inspiration he needed.

He said: "I did a little research and started the website in January - it's been going strong ever since.

"I used to have a computer when I was working, but it was only in recent years that I became interested in the Internet. I found a template for forums and then adjusted it how I wanted.

"There's all sorts of discussion topics. You have to be a member to post messages, but anyone can visit the site."

He added: "I love computers, much to my wife's disgust.

"She says I'm always sitting in front of the computer."

Subjects include speed cameras, road humps and funny things children say.

There is also the chance for men to moan about women, and vice versa, as well as the opportunity for members to start up new topics.

Vegetarians, 24-hour drinking and Liverpool FC are all under discussion.

Moaners can take a trip down memory lane and talk about the good old days, post jokes and pick-up information about services available to older people.

Mr Chandler said: "There's a serious side and a more jovial side - people can write about what really gets on their nerves."

It cost £400 to buy the domain name and set up the site, which currently has 46 members, although Mr Chandler has ambitions he might one day recruit 1,000.

He said: "It's gone very well. And the more people who know about the site the more people will sign up.

"We have about 45 members at the moment and they are from all parts of Britain.

"There's lot of elderly people who can't get out much, people who can't drive.

"I read an article before I started which said one of the biggest growing groups using the Internet was old people.

"Everyone likes to have a good moan."