I totally support the views expressed by Rosemary Waters on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill going through Parliament (Oxford Mail, April 10).

It attacks the very nature of what it means to be a human being. The Bill will allow the creation of human animal/hybrid embryos for research, which scientists claim will lead to cures for presently incurable illnesses.

The same claim was made in a similar 1990 Bill.

There was not a single breakthrough, despite more than two million embryos having been experimented on, then thrown away.

More promising is adult stem cell research, which is an ethical and effective alternative, but does not appear to be part of the Bill.

The Bill will allow doctors to take tissue from patients without their permission to create embryos and to remove tissue from bodies, without the permission of relatives.

Remember the national scandal at Alder Hey Hospital?

This will lead to the creation of 'fatherless' families - an artificial alternative to the natural family - adding to the already 800,000 children in fatherless homes.

The most dangerous aspect of the Bill is that a Government quango has already given a licence to Newcastle University to carry out research and produce human/animal (cow) hybrids before the Bill has become law.

The quango and the scientists have completely ignored the Parliamentary process, showing complete contempt for Parliament.

Gordon Brown is afraid of failure and is imposing a three-line whip on all MPs.

Encourage everyone you know to ask their MP to vote against the Bill. A statement from a medical association on the Bill included the following: "The Bill is inhumane, destructive and immoral, the worst Bill in the history of Britain."

DERMOT CARROLL Wilkins Road Cowley Oxford