Claire Kent's letter, Political opportunism (Oxford Mail, April 22), has prompted me to set out a few facts.

The Labour group on the county council has worked with the Labour group on the city council for some time in supporting 20mph speed limits and in making zig-zag lines enforceable.

Unfortunately, our motions were not supported by the ruling group on the county council.

We did, however, write to every school to seek support for having a pilot project to stop the dangerous practice of parking on zig-zag lines outside schools.

When I first became a parent governor at Wood Farm School 30 years ago, all the children walked to school. In the past few years, this has not been the case and the school and community centre have been working together to make the environment outside the school safer. The school has developed a travel plan and I am the governor with responsibility.

I realise that Ms Kent may well feel that working for a school and the children it serves for 30 years is political opportunism.

I have been a politician for only 15 of those years.

I have spent the rest of the time making the world a better place, instead of moaning that others will not do my will.

I am thrilled that the Labour Party has now in Joe McManners a Churchill city councillor committed to the same principles of service and that we now also have Mark Lygo as a candidate.

Mr Lygo lives in the community, as has his family for generations. He is committed to making a difference and to listening to local people.

He has already spoken personally to hundreds of people.

Local democracy thrives on decent people working hard for their communities, rather than slagging others off.

LIZ BRIGHOUSE (Councillor) Barton and Churchill Oxfordshire County Council