I sympathise with the concern of C O Peers (Oxford Mail, April 18) that the proposed eco-town at Weston-on-the-Green would destroy valuable agricultural land.

He is, however, mistaken in thinking the alternative site at Shipton-on-Cherwell would have been any less damaging.

The former cement works occupies only a very small part of the proposed eco-town site.

As at Weston-on-the-Green, the bulk of the eco-town would have spread over neighbouring farmland, making significant inroads into the Green Belt.

The former cement works might be suitable for light industrial development, but anything more would be likely to engender significant environmental deterioration.

In reality, neither of the Oxfordshire eco-town sites put forward by developers is well suited to such a proposal.

The Government rightly rejected the proposals for Shipton-on-Cherwell. It is to be hoped that, after further examination, the proposals for Weston-on-the-Green will be similarly rejected.

CHRIS ROBINS (Councillor) Foxdown Close Kidlington