I am replying to Patricia White, who demands a speed camera on the Oxford Eastern Bypass (Oxford Mail, April 17).

As one who has survived a head-on crash on the bypass, I couldn't care less about the 50mph speed limit.

What I do care about are the missing crash barriers between Horspath Driftway and Horspath Road.

We all know the county council installed the 50mph limit to cover up its neglect and incompetence in not installing a crash barrier sooner.

The police see the speed limit as just a moneyspinner.

We have heard all the excuses about money not being available, then we see millions of pounds wasted on political point scoring.

The missing crash barriers will remain missing until more lives are lost through crossover crashes, not by doing more than 50mph on a straight, clear road.

But, so what, lost lives are cheaper for councillors than barriers.

KEITH BROOKS Gateley Horspath Oxford