After reading Darby Sutton's letter, Time to count our blessings (Oxford Mail, April 17), I didn't know if I should have laughed or cried.

He is full of praise for the wonderful things the Labour Government has done for pensioners.

One of the examples he gives is a free TV licence for the over 75s.

Well, before this clueless lot came to power, I could have looked forward to a very modest Post Office pension from the age of 60.

Now I've been told, not only will I have to wait until I am 65 to receive my pension, it will also be reduced by at least £1,500 a year.

So, if I'm ever lucky enough to live to the age of 75, my 'free' TV licence would have cost me about £55,000. Time to count our blessings indeed.

PAUL RICHARDSON Long CLose Wood Farm Oxford