A HOMELESS man has been convicted of murdering two people in a house fire in Oxford.

A jury at Oxford Crown Court this afternoon convicted James Cox, 63, of murdering both Sian Sanchez and Howard Blake in the fire at Redbridge Cottage, in Old Abingdon Road, in January last year.

They were unanimous verdicts.

The bodies of the pair were discovered in a blackened upstairs room and they died of smoke inhalation.

Judge Anthony King has postponed sentencing for a psychiatric report until June but warned Cox he would get a life sentence.

He told the jury: "Thanks for your help in what was a sad case."

Cox stared impassively as the verdicts were given.

Mrs Sanchez's family, some of who have travelled over to Britain from the United States for the trial, cried as Cox was told the decision.

Cox was remanded in custody.