Fail Better Productions were founded in 2001 at Warwick University by a group of young theatre artists and practitioners. The collective is growing in size as they attract new individuals that, like the founding members, strive for intensity and detail in textually rich and visually arresting performance.

One of the core members of the company is Nomi Everall, Pegasus Theatre's Assistant Technician and set designer for many of the productions created here (most recently Journeys To Freedom; Twaddle, Babble, Jabber and Pap and Voices for Oxford Youth Theatre).

The company will be in residence for a year at the CAPITAL Centre, co-established by Warwick University and the RSC, for one year from April 2008 to April 2009. During this time they will be working with Warwick students on a three strand project exploring Beckett, Shakespeare and Myth.

Offering practical workshops, performance projects and work-in-progress showings, the year will feature a full production of Lorca's Play Without A Title in October and November and further public events in the spring of 2009.

You can get further information by visiting the company's website or to keep abreast of activities, join their Facebook group Fail Better Productions for regular updates.