Joe McGann says that when the current production of Fiddler On The Roof ends he's going to shave off his beard and burn it, such is his hatred of the facial hair required for the part of Tevye.

"It's become a real soup-catcher now," he adds in disgust.

"But then I haven't shaved since Boxing Day. So when this is all over I'm going to cut it off and blowtorch it," he laughs.

Beard aside, Joe has totally immersed himself in the part, and judging by the reviews, has made it his own, bringing warmth and humour to a character better known for his melancholy outlook.

Before that, Joe was Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls where one female audience member was heard to comment, "He can come and do my washing any time!"

But then, Joe has long been a housewives' favourite after starring in The Upper Hand in the late 80s, which made him a household name.

And if, while watching him on TV, you may not have suspected that beneath that domestic exterior there was a singer and dancer just waiting to be unleashed, now's the time to go and have a look, with Fiddler On The Roof sweeping into Oxford on Tuesday.

"I'm not a natural dancer, you only have to watch the professional dancers in the show to see that - I haven't got the balance and I'm a big lad - but I can do what's required even if I'm not the world's greatest.

"As for the singing, I was in the choir when I was small, but I've come to realise that the best thing to do is stick together and blend in with everyone else," he chuckles.

"So I'm not Michael Ball, but I do really enjoy musicals and it's great experience."

Some may have balked at taking on a part made so famous by Topol, but Joe says: "To be completely honest I've never even seen the film, so when they offered it to me I wondered if they had got the right person. But actually there is humour in the part and it's about laughing in the face of adversity.

"Having grown up in Liverpool I can understand that. Humour gets you through the hard times. And I think humour has to be instinctive."

Speaking of Liverpool, the tour is visiting his home town this weekend, so will there be a big McGann reunion?

"Well Paul, Mark and Stephen have already seen it, my sister Claire will be there in Liverpool and my daughter's coming to that as well. But then it's not a big deal because we all go to the theatre all the time anyway.

"My brothers only come because it helps to know what the others are all talking about," he laughs.

"But there's no competitive element between us at all."

Joe lives in St Albans with his wife - they got married recently during the Guys And Dolls tour after seven years together. But he says the only way to keep going while on the road is to keep "theatre fit" by eating properly and getting a good night's sleep.

Has he always been this well-behaved?

"There was a time when I would go out after every show but that's a dangerous road to go down, so I try to get early nights and then get up early as well so that I have time to explore," he said.

So if you see anyone looking fairly familiar striding around Oxford that's probably him - don't say we haven't warned you.

Fiddler On The Roof opens at Oxford's New Theatre on Tuesday. Box office on 0870 6063500.