Jacquie Davison still has a mountain to climb in her breast cancer treatment, but that has not stopped the 64-year-old Eynsham mum signing up for Race for Life in June.

Mrs Davison today started a gruelling course of chemotherapy.

Soon, she begins 13 sessions of radiotherapy before spending a year on the cancer drug Herceptin.

But when June 7 comes around she is determined to join thousands of other Oxfordshire women in walking or running five kilometres for Cancer Research UK in Oxford's University Parks.

She said: "I've never done Race for Life before and neither have my three daughters who will be doing it with me.

"But I am having lots of wonderful, very expensive treatment which will hopefully save my life and I really want to do something to say thank you for that."

This year, there will be three Race for Life events at University Parks on Saturday, June 7, at 11am and 2.30pm, plus a further event on Sunday, June 8, at 11am.

There is also an event at Heythrop Park on Sunday, June 22, at 11am.

Mrs Davison said: "The chemo I've been having has made me feel pretty weak, but I am hoping that once it is over I will start feeling better and ready to train a bit more.

"Of course, I've still got the radiotherapy and Herceptin to go, so I probably will not be at my strongest when June comes around - but I am determined to take part.

"Whatever happens, my three daughters will be there for me. The eldest Niki will probably be off like a hare - but Gina and Sarah will be happy to take it at a slower pace with their mum!"

Mrs Davison was diagnosed with breast cancer last October following a routine mammogram.

She said: "I had an idea that something wasn't quite right with my body before the mammogram. My breast had changed shape and I had shingles for six weeks which told me my immune system was low.

"When the call came after the mammogram, I wasn't surprised, but it was still a huge shock.

"My daughters, my husband, friends and the rest of my family have been wonderful though. I don't think you realise until something terrible like this happens, just how much people care about you."

When she signed up for Race for Life, Mrs Davison, who works as a receptionist at Oxford Instruments in Tubney Wood, near Abingdon, pledged to raise £300 in sponsorship.

But the generosity of her friends and workmates has seen her increase her fundraising target to £1,000.

To enter Race for Life 2008 or for more information, visit the website www.raceforlife.org/centralwest or call the hotline on 0871 641 2273.

The Oxford Mail would like to hear from individuals and teams taking part. Please contact feature writer Debbie Waite on: 01865 425428 or email debbie.waite@oxfordmail.co.uk