I notice that the Lib Dem local election leaflet blames the Labour Government for post office closures.

It is curious that the Lib Dem MEPs have not kept their party members informed about the EU's responsibility for this.

Or could it be that the Lib Dems are just taking advantage of the fact that most of the electorate are ill-informed?

They are making party political ammunition out of something that results from an EU decision.

Yet the Lib Dems are particularly servile towards the EU.

What is the use of Evan Harris, MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, voting to stop post office closures when we have no power to oppose EU directives?

Of course, Labour is just as guilty for not admitting that they are forced by the EU to close 2,500 post offices.

Could this have anything to do with the fact that it is actually illegal, under EU law, to criticise the EU?

I may be thrown in jail just for writing this letter!

JULIA GASPER UK Independence Party Trinity Road Headington Oxford