I write in response to the story, Wanabee stars must pay £120 (Oxford Mail, April 18).

As a performer, due to appear in the 10th Anniversary of Star Efx's Sunday Night Live at Her Majesty's next month, I cannot understand what Becki Miller is complaining about.

Any 'wanabee' is going to have to make some contribution towards the cost of an amateur production.

It would be madness if this experience was free.

Lots of companies, including West End shows such as Les Miserables and Mamma Mia, offer a 'treading the boards' experience for a fee of about £400.

Star Efx, for whom I work for as stage manager and with whom I have been involved since 2001, offer the same experience.

Each cast member must sell an allocation of seats in support of their performance.

This can be in the region of £400, depending on seats required.

Sets, make-up, costumes, lighting, stage crew, orchestra, rehearsal venue etc all cost money.

How else does Mrs Miller think these costs would be paid?

Mrs Miller also states that the Gang Shows do not require any fees.

The 'gang' make all their own scenery, rehearse in their own buildings and mainly raise the money via charity events and sponsorship.

If parents want their children to get into the big world of acting and singing, financial sacrifices have to be made.

The 'New Theatre Stage Experience' is one of many ways of people experiencing the limelight.

A sum of £120 is a very small fee for what can only be described as a once in a lifetime opportunity for many.

JUSTIN WALDEN Hurst Street Oxford