Schools, teachers and the county council are in this together. For this reason we find it regrettable that members of the National Union of Teachers decided to hold a one-day strike this week over pay.

With all the economic uncertainty hanging over us, it is an extraordinary time to be taking a stand on the question of pay.

More importantly, we do not believe that pay is the biggest issue facing the teaching profession in Oxfordshire.

It is not as if teachers have done badly over the last ten years.

One of the main reasons for the succession of above-inflation increases in the council tax has been the extra money that has gone into schools. A lot of that has found its way into teacher pay packets - and deservedly so.

They are still doing well compared to other public sector workers.

There are many issues facing teachers in Oxfordshire including heavy workloads and ill-discipline among a small group of disruptive pupils. And yes, there is that question of underperformance in national exams.