I noted with interest David Youd's comments about Thames Valley Police being unable to supply motorcycle outriders for war dead being transferred to the John Radcliffe Hospital from RAF Lyneham (Oxford Mail, April 15).

Chief Constable Sara Thornton, of course, has to consider the safety of her officers.

Thames Valley Police has faulty motorcycles and the force is having to wait until June for the delivery of a new fleet.

Might I make a suggestion for Ms Thornton to consider?

Knowing her as I do, I am confident she would have done all she could to supply the escorts from her own force.

Wiltshire Police do not have an underwater search team and when they require such a service, they rent the unit from Thames Valley or another force.

Could not Thames Valley arrange with Wiltshire to allow their motorcycle escorts to continue to the John Radcliffe?

Even more relevant, why don't the Ministry of Defence police use their own motorcycle officers to supply the escorts?

It is time that the Government paid for such services - it seems to do little else for those who have paid the supreme sacrifice while serving their country.

Military hospitals are closed because of cost. What price an injured serviceman's welfare?

If they need to balance the budget when the hospitals do not have a full house, they could rent their services to the NHS to help reduce the waiting lists.

Having been in the past to a military hospital, I warrant MRSA would not have much of a chance there.

Am I showing signs of a potential Chancellor of the Exchequer or Minister of Health?

Our Government should examine what Canada does to ensure its war dead receive the respect they deserve when they are brought home to rest. That's an example to follow.

CHRIS PAYNE George Street Bicester