Sir - I have a suggestion that I hope will help Winifred Muir with her feelings of insult about the new bus pass scheme for pensioners (Letters, April 18).

From whatever point in time you stop paid work, and therefore no longer buy a monthly season ticket, keep a piggy bank of some kind and put in it the bus fare for each journey you make that you don't have to pay for because of this scheme.

At the end of each quarter, or year, use the money to buy something you need, or a treat, or give it to your favourite charity.

You may find that the warm glow generated begins to dispel the fog of gloom that will have built up around a policy that, though it doesn't help you while you're working, leaves you no worse off than you were before.

You may also find you can begin as soon as you're 60, if you ever make bus journeys outside the area where your monthly season ticket is valid.

Rachel Howell, Oxford