Sir - I would be grateful if the bright luminaries in charge of the traffic restrictions on the High Street and Oriel Square could explain to me the logic behind them for disabled people like myself.

After a delightful visit to Christ Church (having parked on the disabled bays on Oriel Square), I decided it would be lovely to go for a spot of Afternoon Tea at the High Table at the end of the High street.

I cannot walk such distances and thanks to the ridiculous restrictions we had to drive around the entire city to get about 700 metres. Adding pollution, and traffic to our fair city and wasting almost 25 minutes in the process.

I know disabled people are seen as an inconvenience and often are an oversight of traffic engineers, but I would be deeply indebted to anyone who can explain why taxis with perfectly healthy people or university members with the right permit can travel either through Merton Street or the High whilst I am barred from it despite my disability and needs?

Am I supposed to sprout wings and fly away above the High? To quote a perfectly fitting Jewish phrase "what am I , chopped liver?".

Cassandra Petibout, Witney