Two muggers stole a man's keys after threatening him in an Oxford street.

He was walking along Long Close, in Wood Farm, between 10pm and 11pm on Monday when he was approached by two teenagers who grabbed him and demanded his keys.

The man shouted for help and the two youths ran away in the direction of Broad Oak and Leiden Road.

Both are described as mixed race, in their late teens and were wearing dark clothing.

Dc Iain Spencer said: "There was a man, who is thought to be in his late teens, in the area at the time, who spoke to the man just after he was robbed.

"I would like this man to come forward, as he could help us with our investigations.

"I am also appealing to anyone who may have witnessed this robbery or seen the youths running away from the area to contact the police."

Anyone with information should call Dc Spencer on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.