A paper boy who had his new bike stolen, while he was delivering the Oxford Mail, still managed to finish his round on foot.

Sam Smith, of Church Street, Didcot, was delivering papers in the town's Kynaston Road, on Saturday morning, when a gang of four teenagers pulled up in a blue car.

A hooded man got out and snatched the 15-year-old's silver mountain bike, which had been left against a wall, while Sam was delivering a paper.

The St Birinus School pupil was given the bike as a present by a pensioner on his paper round about a month ago.

He said: "I was waiting for someone to answer the door when some people in a car came past quite casually.

"They must have gone round the block because they came back and one of them just ran up to my bike and took it.

"I couldn't really believe it.

"They were about 18 or 20 years old and I didn't really want to do anything. I started walking home then ran the rest of the way crying.

"I wasn't scared, I just thought, my bike has gone!"

Sam finished the paper round with the help of his mother, Sheila Smith, 46.

She said: "He was just so upset, I had to calm him down. He ran all the way back from Kynaston. He cares about his paper round so much - and the people on his round.

"This has shattered his confidence.

"Now he feels like he's going to always be looking over his shoulder."

Sam said: "I just keep thinking about it, and picture the thief pedalling off with it.

"I think the worst thing was it was just such a simple theft and it happened so quickly."

But Sam, who has delivered the Oxford Mail six days a week for almost two years, said the incident had not put him off. And he is now back on his round using an old bike. He said: "It has made me a bit more cautious, but there is no point in quitting.

"There are some really nice people on my round and they talk to me.

"I really would appreciate my bike back but I can't lock it up every time I go on the round."

Thames Valley Police spokesman Claire Gourlay appealed for witnesses to come forward.

She said: "This boy was delivering some papers at 11.10am in Kynaston Road on Saturday when a blue Ford Mondeo or Vauxhall Astra with four men in their late teens pulled up.

"One got out of the car and stole the boy's silver mountain bike.

"The man who stole it was about 5ft 5ins and stocky. He was wearing a black and grey striped hooded top.

"The driver of the car was described as tubby and had a black baseball cap."

Any witnesses, or anyone with information, should call police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.