This is a serial sex pest who went on the run after fleeing Oxford Crown Court just before a judge was about to sentence him for flashing.

Police have warned the public not to approach John Bustin, who has a 24-year history of exposing himself to women and was due to be sentenced for flashing again and breaching an antisocial behaviour order.

All police officers in the city were last night told of Bustin's disappearance and ordered to be on the look-out for the 41-year-old.

His own lawyer had admitted there was nothing that seemed to stop him exposing himself.

He turned up at the court in St Aldates yesterday morning but failed to return when his case was postponed until after lunch.

Mr Recorder Peter Lodder issued a warrant for his arrest just after 5pm.

Bustin was due to be sentenced for exposure after committing a sex act in public. He had been convicted during a one-day trial at Oxford Magistrates' Court last month.

The court heard Bustin, who has convictions dating back to 1984, performed the act in front of a woman in an alleyway off Osney Lane last July.

He was given an Asbo in October 2006 in a bid to stop him flashing.

Bustin was identified by his latest victim after she saw his picture in the Oxford Mail last summer as part of a report about people issued with Asbos.

The conviction meant Bustin was also found guilty of breaching the terms of his order.

Police spokesman Toby Shergold said last night: "All officers in Oxford have been informed of his identity and will be on the look out for him.

"He is not considered a major danger to the public but anybody sees him should not approach him but contact police immediately."

During his trial last month, Gail Marriner, prosecuting, said Bustin, of Speedwell Street, Oxford, stood in the alleyway and refused to move when his victim and her friend tried to walk past.

His victim, who cannot be named, told the court: "He looked a bit unsteady on his feet and I thought he could have been drunk. The man was very edgy and acting strange.

"When I looked back, I could clearly see him through the bars of the alleyway.

"The gentleman's trousers were down by his thighs. He clearly looked at me and he wasn't ashamed that I had seen him and he carried on."

Bustin had denied exposing himself and said although he could not remember what he was doing at the time, he was probably watching TV.

Nick Cotter, defending, said Bustin had been jailed several times for exposing himself.

He said: "In more recent times it has been custody custody, custody and more custody. It hasn't stopped Mr Bustin from reoffending."

Aubrey John, the presiding magistrate, told Bustin his offences were so serious he should be dealt with at the crown court and granted him bail on condition that he reported daily to the police.

Anyone with information on Bustin's whereabouts should call police on 08458 505505.