PEOPLE are to be consulted on the controversial issue of taxi licence numbers in Oxford.

Following a review, the issue of taxi licence numbers is to be put out to public consultation.

The main issue to be decided is whether or not Hackney carriage licences for black cabs should continue to be restricted.

De-restriction would allow people to drive their own taxi, rather than rent one from a licence holder.

The majority of cabbies in Oxford are opposed to a change, with some regarding a licence plate as their pension fund.

Green city councillor Craig Simmons said: "What we need is a more wide-ranging review that looks at why more of the existing cabs are not out and about at night.

"For example, we need to see what can be done to make cab driving at night safer."

The taxi licensing policy was due to be discussed this month, but the matter has been deferred until May or June.

De-restriction is being considered after it was revealed that some Hackney cab licence holders were earning more than £50,000 by selling their plates on.