A SEA Scout group has launched a fundraising project to raise £30,000 to replace their fleet of sailing boats.

The 1st Bicester Mountbatten Sea Scout Troop, which offers water-based activities to young people in the town, has been patching up boats or replacing them with secondhand ones. Now they hope to buy new boats, and have launched a three-year project to raise £30,000, to pay for six.

Troop leader Gerhard Eilertsen said: "With a growing number of members and an increasing requirement for us to offer professional and advanced sail training for our young people, our current fleet of boats is becoming inadequate for our needs.

"The new, modern boats will inspire young people to learn and motivate them to succeed."

The group needs to raise £10,000 per year and has applied to Oxfordshire County Council for £5,000 for the first year, with a view to reapplying for the same amount in the next two years.

They are seeking money from the Oxfordshire Youth Chill-Out Fund - but to secure a grant the group has to find corporate or private sponsorship first.

Mr Eilertsen said: "We're seeking sponsorship and funding. We plan to be in a position to order two boats by October and a further two boats in October 2009, and the final two in October 2010. But timescales are dependent on getting sponsors.

"The sooner we raise the first £5,000, the sooner we will be on the way."

The Sea Scout troop, which was founded in 1911, has 30 members and eight leaders.

The group uses Grebe Lake, at Grendon Underwood, about 12 miles east of Bicester. Activities include canoeing, sailing, windsurfing, swimming, camping and rowing.

Stephen Sawyer, fundraising officer for the group, said: "Reaching our target would be a fantastic achievement for the troop and we're confident that we will do it."

For more information, see www.1stbicester.org/sailing