A WITNEY church was packed for the funeral yesterday of 23-year-old Daniel Mills.

Hundreds of friends and acquaintances joined his family and girlfriend Kerri Leeming at the town's High Street Methodist Church, and at a wake held at the Chequers pub, in Market Square.

The service was taken by the Rev Richard Donoghue, who is pictured comforting Mr Mills's mother Linda after the service.

Paul Mills, 25, gave a loving reflection on his younger brother's life during the service. He said: "It was sombre, but good to see so many people there and to share my memories of growing up with him," he said.

Mr Mills, who had recently moved to Lake Street in Oxford, was found dead in the garden of a house in Wadards Meadow, Cogges, Witney, on March 22.

An inquest has yet to be held but his father, Peter Mills, of Weavers Close, Witney, has already said it was a "tragic accident", brought on by heavy drinking and pills.

Mr Mills' mother and eldest brother Phillip, 31, were also among the mourners at the church where the music included Danny Boy.