Those of you who watched it will know that Jane and Jeremy Hooper (pictured) were the winners of the popular reality TV show The Restaurant masterminded by Raymond Blanc.

Contestants were whittled down week-by-week in X-Factor style until there was just one man and his wife left standing.

Now the fuss generated by the progamme has died down, I decided to visit to see how Jane and Jeremy were getting on at their restaraunt, The Thatch, in Thame.

I experienced gentle efficiency, lovely food, and a discreet, yet cheerful, atmosphere.

This air of calm is obviously exactly why Jane and Jeremy won and were chosen to run a restaurant of their choice with RB's backing - because they look like they have been doing it for years.

Jeremy, the ex-Marine (great training for a chef one would imagine), emerged from the kitchen at the end of the meal, marched up to my table and on being told why I was there barked: "Journalist?"

"Uh yes," I stuttered. "What did you have?" he bellowed. Fumbling with our menus we told him we'd chosen the smoked haddock and whisky soup, the pate de campagne, the Roquefort soufflé and the duck.

"How was the duck?" Jeremy asked Mr Greedy. "A very generous portion indeed," Mr Greedy said, not quite daring to meet his eye. "Yes, the duck breasts are coming out very large at the moment," Jeremy agreed, before dismissing us and moving on.

To expand - the soup was lovely but could have been more subtle, the smoky fish taste overpowered by too much salt and the whisky buried. The paté was delicious and beautifully presented with sourdough bread and homemade pickle.

The soufflé wasn't as soft as you would have hoped and the Roquefort flavour masked, but the roast Gressingham duck breast, potato and turnip dauphinoise, jasmine and citrus sauce was exceptional - beautifully cooked and the accompanying veg a wonderful example of classic dishes with a twist.

For dessert we had the chocolate delice with hazelnut sauce which was sensational, a sort of very posh Double Decker chocolate bar, and we made room for the memorable cheese plate, which was allowed to speak for itself - I can still taste that Camembert.

All-in-all a great little unpretentious restaurant, with a bill that came in well under £80.

And knowing that it was being run by a couple of amateurs who were not only managing to fend off the media and prove their worth, but also making a real go of it, left me full of admiration.

The Thatch, Thame, call 01844 214340 or visit the website: