We all know what a pain the School Run has become.

Hundreds of cars ferrying children to their classes cause chaos outside schools and on the routes to them.

You always notice the difference when it is holiday time - everyone else has a virtual clear run to work.

Yet The Cherwell School in Oxford has proved that there is a way round the problem.

A staggering 47 per cent of its pupils cycle - and there are plans to raise the figure even higher.

We doubt that any other school in Oxfordshire can match that.

Too often, parents take the easy way out amid the morning frenzy at home, piling the children into the car at the last minute and dropping them off at the school gates, before rushing off to work.

Then there is another mad dash to pick them up at the end of the day.

In these days of increasing obesity, cycling to and from school would help keep our children much fitter and healthier.

The Cherwell School is blessed with having a wide cycle track and a subway from the Marston direction.

But if one school can do it, there is no reason why others should not follow.