A flower seller trading from a pitch outside Oxford's Westgate is facing a rent hike from the city council of nearly 50 per cent.

Darren Oretagu, who has been selling flowers from his stall since September, said that the increase will cause his rent to rocket from £4,120 to £6,105.

He said previous pitch-holders had only faced increases of up to 10 per cent.

He said: "This huge increase is unprecedented and is just another nail in the coffin of the small trader.

"I've got through the winter and am now suddenly faced with this. And there's no appeal procedure.

"Its ridiculous. I've got six days to run on my present licence and am simply wondering what to do about it."

City council spokesman Shey Cobley said the rise was decided by the general purpose licensing committee.

He said: "When the decision was made to do so, traders were present at the meeting and no objection was received.

"We're pleased that the vast majority of traders have responded positively and decided to renew their trading consents."

All 26 licensed street traders in the city centre have seen their rents increased.

Traders in the Covered Market were also unhappy with the rent rises imposed on them by the council.

Richard Alden, spokesman for the Covered Market Traders' Association, said: "Four test cases went to arbitration and rents were set at markedly lower rates than initial council demands.

"We think it would be a waste of public money for all 50 businesses to be taken to arbitration.

"We think that rents should be set in line with the four test cases."

Council spokesman Chris Lee said: "Each lease has been carefully examined and judged individually."