A controversial chicane in Bicester has split locals over whether it should be removed.

A number of drivers have called the safety measure, in Buckingham Road, a hazard.

But, despite a campaign and petition to get rid of it, other residents in the town want it to stay.

Ken Smith, Ronnie Howarth and Annette and Ian Jones, all from Stratton Audley, said the road narrowing island was becoming an accident blackspot and causing lengthy queues.

The chicane was installed by Oxfordshire County Council in 2003, to provide a traffic-calming "gateway" to the town, and to encourage lorries to use the eastern ring road.

Resident Paul Crockett said: "My family have lived in Fair Close, off the Buckingham Road, for 15 years, and we've noticed the change of flow since the chicane was introduced.

"Prior to its introduction, it was becoming increasingly difficult to get out of our cul-de-sac on to Buckingham Road.

"I'm not going to praise the chicane itself, as I've seen it abused from both directions, and frankly, it looks like a cheap eyesore.

"However, I am in favour of some form of restriction to the continuous flow of traffic."

Bob Massingham, from Southwold, said: "As a local resident, motorist, cyclist and pedestrian who passes through the chicane in one way or another every day, I can say that it has a positive effect on the local area and I would fight long and hard for it to be retained."

Lorraine Smith, from Coopers Green, said: "I've found the measure to be a very good one.

"Before the chicane was put in, it was a road you used at your own risk. Every day I feared that something awful would happen."

County councillor Lawrie Stratford said the chicane had been very successful in discouraging HGVs from driving through the town.

He added: "To suggest that this should be removed, at the request of a few non-Bicester residents, without proper research into the issue is a shame. The problem is not the chicane.

"The problem is impatient drivers who aren't prepared to wait a few minutes."

The Bicester Traffic Advisory Committee, consisting of councillors and council officers, keeps the matter under review.

Mr Stratford added: "It's the elected members who make recommendations to the county council, and not once have those local members voted that the scheme should be changed."