A man who survived prostate cancer is urging people to join him in Cancer Research UK's Relay for Life in Witney.

Alan Bradley, of Burwell Meadow, Witney, has recently celebrated his 60th birthday and will be among many cancer survivors taking part in the 'lap of honour' at the start of the 24-hour event over the weekend of June 28-29.

During the event, the first of its kind in Oxfordshire, teams will take turns to walk around a track at the West Witney sports ground.

At night, there will be a Candle of Hope ceremony and candles will be lit in memory of those affected by cancer.

Mr Bradley said he was lucky to have got an early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

In October 2005, at the age of 58, he visited his GP complaining of abdominal pains, which later turned out to be irritable bowel syndrome.

At the time, his GP suspected he might have a bladder or kidney infection and prescribed antibiotics.

Crucially, a blood test was also carried out, which can help diagnose potential prostate problems.

The reading was higher than normal, so he was referred to a specialist at the Manor Hospital, in Oxford.

Mr Bradley was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January last year and had surgery to have the prostate gland removed.

He has since been given the all-clear - although he has to have regular check ups.

He said: "While screening for cervical, breast and bowel cancer is available on the NHS, no such screening for prostate cancer exists and the Government should be urged to devote more resources to preventative measures.

"Cancer affects so many families every year.

"Relay For Life is a great way to support them by raising money for Cancer Research UK's work.

"I would urge anyone who can, to take part and to bring family and friends along with them."

Anyone wanting to take part in the Relay For Life, should phone 07968 257903.

Alternatively email relayforlifewitney@hotmail.co.uk or log on at cancer researchuk.org and follow the links to the Witney event.