I worked with county councillor Val Smith for a year between 2004 and 2005, and I can reassure Craig Simmons (Oxford Mail, March 20) that her work is outstandingly good value for public money.

A lot of people in Oxford East get in touch with their MP, Andrew Smith, whether by phone, fax, letter, email or in person. These vary from the routine to the extremely complicated, on every issue that you could imagine.

Mrs Smith dealt with a huge caseload herself, offered advice to other caseworkers which always proved to be spot on, and if, at the end of the week, any of the work hadn't been completed, she would take the rest home and do it over the weekend.

In the year that I worked there, Mr Smith's office helped constituents claim nearly £1m to which they were entitled, through good quality advice and helping sort out problems, an amount which, on its own, dwarfs the salaries which he and his employees receive.

Val and Andrew Smith are decent, down-to-earth people who are in a different league to most MPs, of whatever political party.

Mr Simmons and his Green chums could learn a lot from their hard work and dedication to the people that they represent.