Having previously read a few of Glyn Limmer's letters, I wouldn't have labelled his views as of the rose-tinted variety.

However, his conclusion that residents of countries denied a Lisbon Treaty national vote would get their own back by voting their own lying politicians out, assuming this will actually make a difference, is a bit naïve.

Sorry, but I'm afraid I have to tell you that no matter which lying so-and-sos are in power, in reality they are, perhaps unwittingly to start with, merely front men for the Civil Service, who serve only themselves and their friends in the business arena.

These faceless mandarins have the on-going experience to control whichever party comes to power.

For example, they love the control that the Whips have over MPs so, although we had the appearance of an MPs' revolt, the real power knew that it would be to no avail.

Yes, it would be nice to see the Tories back in.

I do enjoy William Hague's speeches in Parliament, but don't expect much change.

Just know your place or, on the basis of 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em', get a job in the Civil Service and, after crawling your place to the top, reap the benefits!

MICHAEL HEAVEY Oxford Road Old Marston Oxford