EX-SOLDIER Stephen Pinker was a devoted family man who will be sadly missed, his childhood sweetheart said last night.

The 43-year-old, who served more than a decade with the Royal Green Jackets, died after being knifed in the neck outside The Corner House pub in Hollow Way, Cowley, Oxford, on Tuesday.

Police have launched a murder inquiry and made two arrests.

Last night, his ex-wife Sharon Pinker said the father-of-two leaves behind a family with many happy memories.

Mr Pinker, of Burford Road, Witney, had two grown-up children, Luke, 20, and Emily, 17, and also leaves behind his partner Rebecca Holmes.

Sharon Pinker said: "I met Steve when I was 15. We were childhood sweethearts and married for 21 years.

"We shared many happy times together and had two beautiful children who have lost a loving dad who will be greatly missed.

"He was very proud to serve his country for 12 years with the Royal Green Jackets. He will always be in our thoughts.

"His children want to tell him love you so much, Dad'."

Mr Pinker also leaves behind his parents Jan and Pete, sister Becky, her husband Pat and his nieces Channelle and Lottie, brother Matthew, his wife Julie and their daughter Isis, Mrs Pinker added.

Yesterday, family and friends also laid floral tributes outside The Corner House.

The pub remained closed and cordoned off by police for much of the day.

The first bouquet of flowers was laid shortly before midday by Mr Pinker's brother, who did not want to comment.

It read: "To the brother I once knew. Love Mattie and Family."

Throughout the day, at least three more floral tributes were placed on the ground where Mr Pinker died.

One written by Mr Pinker's partner, mother and nieces, reads: "To Steve, Always in our thoughts. Taken away from us so young. Love always, Becky, Pat, Chanelle, Lottie."

A third from his ex-wife reads: "Always in my thoughts. Rest in Peace. Love always, Sharon."

One of the cards was signed by Mr Pinker's children.

It read: "To Dad, I love you so much I will never forget you I promise. Love you Dad, rest in peace. Love Emily."

The card also has a message penned by his son Luke.

It said: "Love you and miss you. Luke."

The floral tributes were left resting against railings near where Mr Pinker was killed.

Police said they would carry out extra patrols over the next few days in the area near where Mr Pinker was stabbed to death.

Supt Brendan O'Dowda said the stabbing outside The Corner House in Cowley was an isolated incident.

But extra officers will be sent on to the streets of Cowley and Headington as part of reassurance patrols and to continue investigating the murder.

Mr O'Dowda added: "We are making extensive inquiries in the vicinity and carrying out rigorous forensic examination which may still take a number of days, so there will be an increased police activity in the area.

"But we are still regarding this as an isolated incident.

"Oxford is still a very safe place to live and over the next few days officers will be increasing patrols to reassure residents.

"If anyone has any information or concerns they can still contact us.

"There may be people out there who feel uncomfortable speaking to us or who did not witness the incident but have important information and I urge them to come forward."

Anyone with information on the murder should call police on 08458 505505 or speak anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.