COUSINS appeared in court yesterday accused of ramming a police car and speeding off in a bid to escape arrest.

Anthony Smith, 28, of Woodin's Way, Oxford, is alleged to have helped suspected drug dealer Triston Lawrence escape police custody on July 30 last year.

Both men are standing trial at Oxford Crown Court.

Smith is also accused of dangerous driving.

Lawrence, 23, of Nettlebed Meadow, Oxford, faces four counts of possession with intent to supply Class-A and Class-C drugs, including 26g of heroin, 150g of cocaine, 8g of crack cocaine and 44g of cannabis, worth £15,000.

They deny all charges.

Yesterday. jurors heard how police conducted a search warrant at Berry Close in Blackbird Leys, where Lawrence was thought to have been staying, on June 8 last year.

Prosecutor Peter Coombe alleged Lawrence fled after climbing through a bedroom window and flinging a bag of drugs from the property.

Det Sgt Simon Steel, of Thames Valley Police, said he chased Lawrence but was unable to catch him.

Tony McGeorge, defending, said Lawrence was not the man seen fleeing the scene and questioned DS Steel's ability to identify him.

The jury also heard how police tried to arrest a man they believed was Lawrence in a car parked near Blackbird Leys Community Centre on July 30 last year, but the driver, who was said to be Smith, sped off.

The trial continues.