If it is a choice of giving money to housing, play areas, swimming pools or flowers, there is no question what should lose out - flowers would come last every time.

But what a great shame that Oxford finds itself in such a parsimonious state that it cannot afford sufficient floral displays to enter the Britain in Bloom competition.

There is money to deck out city centre streets, but not enough to brighten the suburbs of Cowley, Headington and Summertown.

Without displays in these areas, organisers say it is pointless entering the national competition.

It would be the first time in 23 years that Oxford has been missing from the list of entrants.

The lack of displays is being blamed on a £40,000 cut in the city council's budget.

Now a last-ditch attempt is being made to claw money from the council's area committees.

We hope the money can be found.

The omission of Oxford, which has won numerous awards in previous years, would be a blow to the prestige of the city as well as the competition.

Thank goodness that Oxford in Bloom is going ahead - but all the hard work for that is done by residents buying, planting and tending their own plants, at little charge to the council.